Privacy Statement

Your privacy is very important to us. We will not sell on the information we hold about you to any third party organisation.

Printed Man Bags Privacy Statement

The EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) now require a clear and unambiguous statement, by companies and other organizations, about how personal data is collected, stored and processed. The new rules go beyond the previous laws on Data Protection and are designed to give greater protection and rights to EU citizens. To adhere to the new regulations Printed Man Bags provides its customers with the following statement on privacy of Personal Data.

Identity of the Data Controller
The ultimate responsibility for the privacy of our customers Personal Data lies with the identified Data Controller. The Data Controller is the legal entity representing the organization which in the case of Printed Man Bags is Mark Baker, who can be contacted on the following email address;
or at 23 Stirlings Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 7BB

Personal Data Collected and Retained
When a person or organisation contacts or becomes a customer of, Printed Man Bags, either online or by telephone, Personal Data about the applicant is requested and used for communication, marketing and administration of their account. The data held consists of the following:
Telephone numbers
Email address
Postal Address

Customers and contacts have the right to know what personal data is being stored and to ask for any errors in their personal data to be corrected. They have a right to ask for data to be erased and for references to them to be forgotten. They may ask for certain aspects of Printed Man Bags processing to not be applicable to their personal data. Customers may ask for copies of their data to be provided to them in electronic form.

Those customers wishing to exercise any of the above rights should in the first instance write or speak with the Data Officer at

Transfer of Personal Data To Third Parties
For the purposes of day to day administration and marketing activities of the business, Printed Man Bags use third party organisations. These are Paypal and Mailchimp for email newsletters. We also use a UK manufacturing company for the production and despatch of our bags and products.

Each third party has their own Privacy Statement available on their respective website.

Cookies And Links To Other Websites
The Printed Man Bags website can use simple cookies; small files of text, placed on the visitors computer to enhance the experience and functionality of a return visit to the website. The user/visitor is able to control which cookies are acceptable via the settings in the users browser. Simple cookies are transient files usually deleted by the browser at the end of a session. Some cookies are persistent and are stored in the user browser and are available to the website when the user visits subsequently.

Our website can contain links to other websites. We cannot be responsible for the functionality of the content of other websites. These websites can ask your browser to store cookies some of which will be persistent or even tracking cookies. Some external websites may request personal data in connection with the supply of goods and services and you are advised to be aware of the websites privacy policy in this respect.

Our websites contain functionality to allow visitors to have further information about the use of cookies and the ways to manage them.

Printed Man

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Seven Design Associates
23 Stirlings Road
OX12 7BB
T. 01235 250 500

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